28 Mar 2018

Will of Sir Thomas Lovell K.G: Part 8 (Third Codicil and Probate)

The 25th Day of May in the 16th Year of King Henry the 8th

Item: I will that my executors, immediately next after my departing, do deliver and pay or cause to be delivered and paid unto my household servants and every of them all, such sums of money and every parcel of them all such as be declared particularly in a book signed with my hand and dated the 10th day of January in the 15th year of King Henry the Eighth.

Item: I will and bequeath unto my old servants hereafter named, plate of silver and silver gilt to the value of two hundred pounds; the same to be delivered as above-said unto every the said persons according unto the discretion of my executors; that is to say: Master Gerard Michell, William Kyrkeby John Carleton, Bawdewyn Shirley, William Berners, Robert Leche, Robert Waleys, Richard Tuppyn, Lawrence Foxley, Richard Marche, Nicholas Smyth, John Decon, John Gare, Thomas Joley, Robynet Walter, John Byrche, Guillam Gatte.

Item: I will that my executors do in likewise deliver or cause to be delivered unto my said servants such convenient bedding and stuff of household as by my said executors shall be thought most convenient for them.

Item: I will that my said executors do keep or cause to be kept all such persons as now be in my household and every of them together with their servants with such convenient meats and drink, wages and livery as they how have, during one whole year next and immediately following my departing.

Probatum fuit testamentum suprascripti Defuncti vua cum Codicillis euisdem annex Coram prefatis Comissarijs eccl[es]ia Cath[edrali] Dini Pauli London xxvjo / Die mensis Septembris Anno D[o]m[ini] millimo quingentesuno xxviijo / Jurament[is] Fraunces Lovell et Johannis Carleton executormn in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento no[m]i[n]at[orum] Ac approbatum & insinuatum Et comissa fuit admi[ni]stracio auct[orita]te prefatorum R[euerendissimorum] patrii[um] om[n]i[um] & singulorum bonorum Jur[iu]m & creditorium dicti defuncti prefat executorib[us] De bene & fideli admi[ni]strand[o] ac de pleno et fideli In[uenta]rio secundo die post festum Sancte Edwardi Regis prox[imum] futur[um] Necnon de plano et vero competo redden[o] Ad sancta Dei Eu[a]ngelia Iurat[is] / Res[er]uata p[otes]tate simulem comisionem farcendo Ricardo Broke principal baron de S[caccar]io et Willimo Paston Militisr etiam execut in h[u]idus]mo[d]i testo[r] no[m]i[n]at[is] cu[m] ven[eri]nt &c.

[= The abovewritten will of the deceased, with appended codicils, was proven in the presence of the aforesaid commissioners of the cathedral church of Saint Paul’s, London, on the 26th day of the month of September, the year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred and 28, and Francis Lovell and John Carleton were sworn as executors above named by the deceased. Probate was entered and administration granted by the authority of the most holy and reverend fathers, of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased to the forenamed executors, to administer well and faithfully, and to truthfully and faithfully complete an inventory by the second day of the festival of Saint Edward the Confessor next, and also to truthfully agree and render an account of the same, as sworn on the sacred Gospels of God. Reserving similar powers also granted to Richard Broke, first Baron of the Exchequer, and William Paston, knight; executors likewise named by the deceased, when they will have come etc.]

Part 7 Back to Index
