11 Aug 2012

Cedars Park Delftware dating results

delftware fragments

Fifteen sherds of Delftware from the same vessel constituted Small Find 2 from our July 2012 Festival of British Archaeology dig at the site of Theobalds Palace, Cedars Park Cheshunt.

At the beginning of August these sherds were taken to the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre (LAARC) at Mortimer Wheeler House for identification and dating.

The sherds have now returned and are said to represent part of a charger or large dish, being a Lambeth product from between 1710 and 1730.

This indicates that the wall encountered in trench 2, from the base of which the Delft sherds were recovered, was demolished in the post-palace period, when this area was remodelled as Theobalds Square, a development of gentleman's houses completed around 1760.

Following detailed record drawing and photography, the Delftware will become part of the project archive and be deposited with the Lowewood Museum at Hoddesdon, Herts.


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