10 Apr 2019
Elsyng Palace Dig Summaries

The Forty Hall Estate have uploaded a series of pdfs describing the work we've done since 2014 investigating a service range belonging to Henry VIII's Elsyng Palace, containing what we now think was the palace "boiling house".
You can read about the work on the Forty Hall website or directly below:
- 2014 Excavation Report
- First exposure of the southern facade wall, the double 'moats' and the first garderobe.
- 2015 Summary
- More of the facade wall and the second garderobe (containing a complete window pane).
- 2016 Summary
- Internal rooms, remains of glazed floors and stairwell.
- 2017 Summary
- Brick drain, first exposure of the multi-phase brick floors and furnace of the 'boiling house'.
- 2018 Excavation Report
- Featuring the complete furnace and adjacent structures including the double octagonal tower.
We'll be back in Forty Hall in July to (hopefully) finish our exploration of this building range.