28 Jul 2019
Forty Hall Summer Dig - Day 13

It was an unremarkable but satisfying end to this year's summer dig on the site of Elsyng Palace. After finishing up the few remaining recording jobs this morning, we spent the rest of the afternoon backfilling and returfing trench two.
Don't forget to follow us on twitter and on facebook for updates on post-excavation work, the full results of which will be published in due course in the Society's newsletter later in the year.
Tentative interpretations of the complex features in the west end of trench 2 suggest that the conical feature may be the base of a tall cistern, and the stub of wall next to it possibly a demolished threshold and step leading down to the brick floor. The current hypothesis is that this was associated with one of the palace stables.
Special thanks are due to our members this year, who did a sterling job and endured particularly hostile weather this week. We're especially grateful for the good turnout for backfilling today, which saw us get the job done early for the first time in 15 years!