17 Mar 2022
2022 Dig Dates
We are pleased to announce the dates of the 18th season of Elsyng Tudor Palace Excavations at Forty Hall, Enfield.
This year's dig will be continuing last year's (partially) successful hunt for the palace's inner gatehouse, tracing the line of a large demolition cut in the hope that it will lead us to the remains of the multi-story building that demarked the boundary between the palace's outer and inner courts.
We will be digging from the 10th to the 24th of July 2022. New diggers are welcome.
Anyone aged over 16 interested in taking part in the excavation is invited to get in touch with Martin Dearne at martin.dearne@talktalk.net. For any other enquiries about the project, please contact the chairman, Ian Jones, via the EAS website.
There will also be a family open weekend in the park on the 16th/17th - be sure to drop by and see what we've found!