Expenses of James Nedam, Surveyor of the King's Works; June-September 1540
A modernised transcription of MS D 206 (f.234-235v), held by the Bodleian library.
Henry VIII acquired Elsing in late December 1539, in a land-swap with the then Earl of Rutland who had inherited it upon Thomas Lovell's death in 1524 (via Lovell's wife).
The accounts below probably relate to the first major round of renovation and repair in royal hands; its intended use by Henry as a safe retreat for his precious young son is reflected in these accounts which refer to the palace as "The Prince's Place".
Notes on typography:
Wages for workmen are recorded in the original book with a tally system showing days and half-days worked, days not worked, Sundays and feast days.
- Each tally spans four weeks, beginning and ending on a Sunday, with each Sunday marked with a double slash “//”.
- Days worked are marked with a circle “o”.
- Days not worked are marked with a dot “.”.
- Feast days (not worked) are marked with a cross “+”.
- Half-days worked are marked with a semicircle “c”.
- If a workman did work on a feast day or a Sunday, it was marked with a circle above, reproduced here as “/o/” and feast days worked as “#”.
- So for example, William Harrison’s tally for the period beginning Sunday 20th of June below looks like this: //ooo+o.//.+. . . .//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // showing that he worked Monday to Friday with Thursday off, which was Midsummer Day.
The King's Manor of Enfield
Anno Regis H.VIII 32imo Mensis Junii
Payments made and paid by me James Nedam, clerk and surveyor of our Sovereign Lord the King's Works, as well for wages to artificers labourers clerk purveyors and others, as also for emptions of stuff bought requisite & necessary for the repairing of the Prince's place at Enfield, with carriage and recarriage of the same as the particular payments thereof more plainly doth appear.
That is to say from Sunday the 20th day of June unto Saturday the 18th day of July by the space of four weeks.
Working as well upon making of a new shore of timber set up against the window of the King's Great Chamber, pulling down of 2 old shores of timber which stood against the said window, as also for felling of trees and hewing of the same.
Making & framing of trestle frames which standeth underneath the 2 great arch buttresses of brick stone for safeguard & bearing up of the same wall with like making of moulds for guiding of the said buttresses, and not only pulling down of all such stuff as was old about & [en]compassed [about] the conduit for safeguard of the water there, but as well making framing & setting up a new frame there in the court in the same place again, with also making of mortar tubs & hods for the brick layers to lay the mortar [and] in making diverse ladders, some short & some long, with other necessary work there done.
at 8d
William Harrison //ooo+o.//.+. . . .//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 2s 8d Robert Twyfords //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 14s 8d Thomas Cowper //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 14s 8d John Wurley //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 14s 8d at 7d
Thomas Marten //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 12s 10d John Lawe //ooo+o.//o+oooo//ooo. . . //oooooo// – 10s 6s Nicholas Layforth //. . . +..//.+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 4d James Harte //. . . +..//.+. . . .//oooooo//oooooo// – 7s at 5d
Michael Marten //ooo+..//o+. . . .//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 20d William Boytton //ooo+oo//.+. . . .//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 2s 1d Sawyers
Working as well upon sawing and breaking of timber for carpenters ready to work with, as also for tables in the hall and also for the conduit.
at 13d
John Sawyer & John Woodwarde o..+. . . //o+o. . . //. . . . . . //oooo..// – 7s 7d John Graye & John Dwyson ooo+..//o+oo..//oo. . . .//. . . . . . // – 8s 8d Bricklayers
Working as well upon hewing of brick for the making of 2 great buttresses assending unto the window of the King's great chamber with a centre at 8d
William Long //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 14s 8d John Barbor //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 14s 8d John Bute //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 14s 8d The Names of the Bricklayers
at 7d
John Fish[er] //ooo#oo//o#oooo//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 7s William Smakergyll //ooo#oo//o#oooo//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 7s Richard Sexton //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 12s 10d Roger Holland //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 12s 10d James Apryce //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 12s 10d Labourers to the Bricklayers
Working as well in sifting of lime & sand as also carrying of water slaking of lime and making of mortar with also providing the briklayers with mortar and brick.
at 5d
Thomas Alene //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d Lewis Tomson //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d John Munde //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d William Starkey //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d William Stort //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d Richard Rose //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d Richard Gey //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d John Clements //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d The Scaffold Maker
Working in felling & hewing of scaffold poles, making of cleats and scaffolds for the 2 said great arch-buttresses.
at 6d
Roger Kylworte //ooo+oo//o+oooo//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 5s Common Labourers
Working not only in taking down of an old wall of brick, cleansing the mortar from the brick for the bricklayers to work withall, but also going to Bedwell Park to the brick kiln to choose the best brick to carry to Enfield.
at 5d
Thompson Farrer /ooo+..//o+oo..//oo. . . .//.o. . . .// – 3s 9d yet common labuorers
at 5d
Simon a Newten //ooo+..//.+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 7s 11d Christopher Preston //ooo+..//o+ooo.//oooooo//oooooo// – 7s 11d Edward Smith //oo.+..//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 7s 11d William Hawet //..o+o.//o+. . . .//.ooooo//oooooo// – 5s 10d William Marion //ooo+oo//o+. . . .//ooooo.//oooooo// – 7s 1d John Clerk //.oo+o.//o+. . . .//..oooo//oooooo// – 5s 10d Tailor & Receiver of Carriage
at 5d
Richard Colman //ooo+oo//o+oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d Purveyor of Carts & Stuff
at 6d
Nicolas Wild //ooo#oo//o#oooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 12s The Clarke
at 6d
John Uvedale ooo#oo/o/o#oooo/o/oooooo/o/oooooo/o/ – 14s Emptions
To Richard Drivers of Lime House for 16 cwt lime of him had to be employed upon the said work at 6s the cwt – 4£ 16s
To Hugh Finch of Bedwell for 4 loads of lime at 6s 8d the load – 26s 8d
To Walter Baker for making of 8 ½ dozen of hurdles at 18d the dozen – 12s 9d
To William Hawte for making of 5 dozen of hurdles at 18d the dozen – 7s 6d
To Simon Lowen of Cuffley for 4,000 tile of him had at 3s 8d the thousand – 14s 8d
To Richard Gyver of Enfield for 6,500 of tile at 3s 8d the thousand – 23s 10d
To Thomas Carter for 2,000 tile at 3s 8d the thousand – 7s 4d
Sieves Shovels Spades Pails
To Thomas Perkins of London for 2 sieves for the mortar makers – 12d
To him more for 6 shovels – 4d
To him more for 3 spades – 15d
To him more for 6 pails at 3d halfpenny the piece – 21d
Grind Stone
To John Hundisden for one grindstone price – 20d
Carriage of Sand Brick Tile Poles Hurdles and Timber
Carriage of sand & digging of sand
To William Bolle for carrying of 2 loads of sand – 8d
To Thomas Green for carriage of 2 loads of sand – 8d
To William Hante for 4 loads of sand digging – 4d
To him more for helping to flett the lime – 2d
Carriage of Sand & Brick & Timber
To Thomas Green for carriage of 4 loads of sand – 16d
To him more for carriage of 7 loads of brick from the kiln unto the garden gate, and for drawing of 2 pieces of timber unto the moat – 6d
Carriage by the day
To Katherine Loft, widow, for 12 days carriage of brick, sand, hurdles and scaffold poles at 6d the day – 6s
Carriage of Poles
To Robert Lowen for carriage of 2 loads of scaffold poles from Rough Catell to Endfield – 12d
Carriage of Timber
To Thomas Garryt of Enfield for Carriage of 2 pieces of timber out of the Chase, containing 4 score feet and 2, to the Prince's place of Enfield – 8d
Carriage of Timber
To John Gyvers of Enfield for carriage of one piece of timber containing one load and 5 foot – 6d
Item To John Ashley of Enfield for carriage of one piece of timber out of the Chace to the Prince's place at Enfield, containing one load 8 feet – 6d
Carriage of Tile
To John Curtis of Enfield for Carriage of 9 loads of tile from Clay Hill to Enfield Place – 3s
To John Howe for carriage of a load of tile from Clay [Hill] to Enfield Place – 4d
To William Chapman for carriage of 2 loads of Tylle from Clay Hylle to Enfield place – 8d
To William Woodham for carriage of one load of tile from Clay Hill – 4d
To Richard Gever for carriage of 2 loads of tile – 4d
Carriage of Scaffold Poles
To John Curtis for carriage of 2 loads of scaffold poles – 8d
Carriage of Sand
To William Chapman for Carriage [of] one load [of] sand – 4d
To John Howe for digging & carriage of 5 loades of sand in Enfield Chase to the place – 20d
To William Chapman for digging and carriage of 4 loads of sand to Enfield Place – 16d
To William Wodham for digging and carriage of 3 loads of sand from Enfield Chase to the Prince's place at Enfield – 12d
Carriage of Timber
To William Chapman for carriage of one load of timber from Enfield Park to the Prince's place at Enfield – 6d
Carriage of Bricks
To John Curtis of Enfield for carriage of one load of brick from the brick kiln at the place – 1d
To him more [blank]
To John Howe for carriage of 2 loads of brick at the place – 2d
To William Chapman for carriage of 2 loads of brick – 2d
To Thomas Wilson of Enfield for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell Park to Enfield – 12d
To Thomas Loft of Enfield for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To John Hunsden of Enfield for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To William Chair of Cheston for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To Peter Hofman of Cheston for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To William Curle of Cheston for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To Richard Houghton of Wormeley for one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To William Spencer of Cheston for one load of brick carriage from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To William Petite of Cheston for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To Robert Askew of Enfield for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
To John Adam of Cheston for carriage of one load of brick from Bedwell to Enfield – 12d
Iron Work
To Henry Romans the King's Smith, the 18th day of July for 3 anchors of iron, weighing 2 cwt 45 lb With brodis and staples for the same at 2d ?the ?lb – 44s 10d
To William Bull, Smyth of Enfield, for battering of 4 brick axes and laying of a mattock that was broken and for grinding – 6d
Nails of Divers Sorts
To John Sturgeon of London, ironmonger:
Item for 5 cwt double 10d nail – 4s Item for 2.000 6d nails – 5s Item for 2,000 of 5d nails – 4s Item for 5 cwt single 10d nail – 2s 1d Item for 2,000 of 4d nails – 3s 4d
Paper and Ink
To him more for 2 quires of paper – 4d
Item for ink – 2d
The King's Manor of Enfield
Anno Regis H.VIII 32imo
Payments made and paid by me James Nedam clerk and surveyor of our Sovereign Lord the King's works, as well for wages to artificers labourers clerks purveyors and others, as also for emptions of stuff bought requisite and necessary for the same, with carriage and recarriage of the same as the particular payments thereof more plainly doth appear.
That is to say from Sunday the 18th day of July unto Sunday the 14th day of August, by the space of four weeks.
Working as well upon the making and finishing of the said frame for the conduit, as also making of 4 great melle boards for the hall. With 8 great standing trestles mortared in to the ground for the same.
Pulling up of the old broken planks of the bridges and laying one new for the same again and making of great long forms for the hall, with doing other needfulls in diverse and sundry places, as need requires.
at 8d
Robert Twyforde //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 15s 4d Thomas Cowper //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 15s 4d John Wurley //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 15s 4d at 7d
Nycholas Layforde //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 13s 5d Jamys Harte //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 13s 5d Thomas Marley //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 13s 5d at 5d + 6d
John Law //ooo#oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 12s Sawyers
Working as well upon breaking of timber in the Chase as sawing of timber ready for the carpenters to work with.
at 13d
John Sawyer & Nycholas Sawyer ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 24s 11d John Gray & John Davidson ooo+oo//oooooo//. . . . . . //. . . . . . // – 11s 11d Bricklayers
Working as well upon hewing of brick, as for the making of 2 said great arch buttresses ascending unto the window of the King's Great Chamber, as also finishing and ending of the same, with making of a great chimney in the Keeper's Kichen & other necessaries there done.
at 8d
William Long //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 15s 4d John Barber //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 15s 4d John Butt //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 15s 4d at 7d
Rychard Sexton //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 13s 5d John Fish[er] //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 13s 5d William Smakergill //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 13s 5d Roger Holland //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 13s 5d James Apryce //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// 13s 5d Tilers
Working not only in pointing and mending of all the roofs round about the hall and the kitchen whereas it rained in, but also pointing and mending the roof of the great long barn in the outer court, with doing other reparations in diverse places there.
at 7d
John Wainard //. . . +o.//. . . ..o//oooooo//oooooo// – 8s 2d at 5d
George Atton //. . . +o.//. . . ..o//oooooo//oooooo// – 5s 10d Plumbers
Working in going to Enfield place to see the cause of water slaking [i.e. leaking] and to see the leads upon the place for the repairing of them.
at 8d
George Hind //. . . +..//. . . . . . //. . . . . . //. . . .o.// – 8d The Scaffold Maker
Working as well of hewing of scaffold poles as also making of cleats for scaffolds and sitting up of and pulling down of scaffolds.
at 6d
Roger Kilwort //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooo..//.ooooo// 10s Labourers to the Bricklayers
Labouring not only in sifting of lime and sand together, but also carrying of water, slaking of lime and making of mortar, providing the said bricklayers with mortar and brick with giving attendance to the same.
at 5d
Thomas Alan //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Simon a Newton //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Christopher Preston //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Edward Smith //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d William Marion //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d John Clerk //ooo+oo//oo.ooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 2d Lewis Thomson //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d William Storte //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d William Starkey //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Common Labourers
Working as well choosing out of good brick at the kiln in Bedwell Park as loading of the carts with the said brick, but also pulling down of an old wall of brick, and cleansing the mortar from the said brick for bricklayers and brick hewers to work with, and cleansing the moat of brickbats, hurdles, timberr boards and rubbish that lay in the said moat.
at 5d
Christopher Thomson //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Thomas //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d George Gibson //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d John Harrison //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Tailor and Receiver of Carriage
at 5d
Richard Colman //ooo+oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 9s 7d Purveyor
at 6d
Nicolas Wild //ooo#oo//oooooo//oooooo//oooooo// – 12s Clerk
at 6d
John Uvedale //ooo#oo/o/oooooo/o/oooooo/o/oooooo/o/ – 14s Emptions
Brick Had at Bedwell
To Master Gates for 4,500 of brick of him had for the King's use at 4s 4d the thousand – 19s 4d
To Thomas Cressey of Waltham for one cwt board of him had for the King's use – 2s 4d
To 1 cwt 5 [sic]
To John Peacock of Waltham for 1 cwt 4 score and 7 foot of board for like use – 4s 6d
Carriage of Board
To Thomas Banest of Waltham Abbey for Carriage of the said board from Waltham Abbey to the King's Manor of Enfield – 4d
Lath Making
To Robert Borne of Enfield for making of 7 cwt [of] lath at 2d halfpenny the cwt – 17d halfpenny
To John Cordell of Enfield for 2,000 of tile of him bought and employed in the said works at 3s 8d the thousand – 7s 4d
To Simon Lowen for 2,000 tile of him had employed in like use at 3s 8d the thousand, Sum – 7s 4d
Carriage of Tile
To Rychard Gyver of Enfield for carriage of 4,000 tile from Clay Hill to the King's Manor aforesaid at – 16d
Bast Rope
To Edmund Candysh of London for 4 peces of great bast rope – 2s 8d
Shovels and Spades
To John Perkins, turner, for 2 shovels and 2 spades employd by the labourers in digging and other labours – 20d
To William Watts of Waltham for setting one of 6 hoops upon the lime tub – 8d
Tile Pins
To him more for 3 bushels of tile pins at 6d the bushel – 18d
Red Ochre
To William Gloers for 48 lb of Red Ochre for to colour the buttress at 1d the lb – 4s
To him for 2 pound of bristles – 12d
To him for shreds of leather – 3d
A Pan
To him for a pan to seethe the leather – 2d
To Hugh Finch of Bedwell for 7 loads of lime employed in the said work at 6s and 8d the load, Sum – 46s 8d
Making of Saw Pits
To Nicholas Page for making of 2 saw pits in Enfield Chase – 12d
Carriage of Hurdles
To Thomas Green for Carriage of 1 load of hurdles – 8d
Carriage of a Gyne & Poles
To him for carriage of a gyn [?an engine e.g. block and tackle/winch] & scaffold poles – 8d
Carriage of Sande
To him for carriage of 12 loads of sand at 4d the load out of Enfield Chase – 4s
Carriage of Lead & Other Stuff
To Thomas Taylor of Edmonton for Carriage of 2 sheets of lead, 2 dozen Red Ochre & 4 pieces of quarter stone – 20d
Carriage of lead
To him more for carriage of one sheet of lead in like manner – 8d
Carriage of brick of the King's store From Bedwell Park
To Glyn North of Essenden for carriage of 1 load of brick from Bedwell Park – 12d
To Christopher North of Berkhamsted for Carriage of 1 load of brick in like wise – 12d
To John Chare of Lucasend for carriage of 1 load of brick from Bedwell – 12d
To Richard Perkins of Beauford for carriage of 1 load of brick from Bedwell – 12d
Carters of Cheston
Carriage of brick from Broxbourne Bedwell and Wormeley to Enfield of the King's store.
To John Lucas, John Huyt, Thomas Cook, Thomas Bushew, William Chair, William Curlle, William Hunter, Thomas Fuller, for carriage of each of them 1 load of brick from Broxbourne to the King's manor of Enfield at 12d the load, Sum – 8s
Brick frome Bedwell of the King's Store
To William Whitting of Bedford for Carriage of 1 load of brick – 12d
To Christopher North of Berkhamsted for carriage of 1 load of brick – 12d
To William Clarke of Hartingforth Berre for carriage of 1 load of brick – 12d
Carriage of brick of the King's store from Bedwell Park
To Simon Flaxman, Elizabeth Haydon, John Fuller, John Hall, Harry Dell and Thomas Day & Robert Daye of South Mimms for carriage of each of them 1 load of brick from Bedwell Park to Enfield at 12d the load – 7s
Carriage of Brick from Bedwell Park
To John Boyle, William Bolye, Harry Good, Thomas James, Harry Grybe and Jeffrey Hills of North Mymms for carriage of each of them one load of brick from Bedwell Park to Enfield at 12d the load – 6s
Carriage of Brick of the King's Store
To Richard Hall, John Loyn and to Master William Candyche of Northall for carriage of each of them 1 load of brick at 12d the load carriage from Bedwell Park – 3s
Carters of Enfield
Carriage of Timber of the King's Store
To Richard Gever, William Maye, William Maye, William Miller, William Miller, William Bull, Loft's Widow, William Kecher, William Bull, John Asheley and John Asheley again for carriage of each of them 1 load of timber out of Enfield Chase at 6d the load to the place – 5s 6d
Nails of Diverse Sorts
To Master Sturgeon of London for 3 cwt of single 20d nail – 15d Item 1 cwt of double 10d nail – 9d halfpenny Item 5,000 lath nails at 6s the thousand – 2s 6d Item 3 cwt 6d nail – 9d Item half a thousand 5d nail – 12d
Sum totals of this book 29£ 7s 9d 2 halfpenny
The King's Manor of Enfield
Anno tricesimo 3 imo Regis H.VIII Mensis Augusti
Payments made and paid be me James Nedam, clerk and surveyor of our Sovereign Lord the King's works as also and as well for wages to artificers, labourers, clerk purveyors and others, as For emptions of stuff bought requisite and necessary for the repairing of the Prince's place at Enfield with carriage and recarriage of the same as the particular payments thereof more plainly doth appear.
That is to say from Sunday the 15th day of August unto Sunday the 12th day of September by the space of four weeks next ensuing.
Working as well upon making & finishing of the said conduit frame, as also making of 4 great tables for the hall, with 10 great trestles mortised in the ground for the same.
Making & finishing of 4 great forms for the side tables with 4 great trestles for the middle table.
Also making a mantel in the Keeper's kitchen & setting up of rafters in the same as mending of a great cistern of wood to hold water which cistern sueth to store all the waters under the ground and goeth round about the house.
at 8d
Robert Twyford //oooooo//o+ oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 14s 8d Thomas Cooper //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 14s 8d John Wurley //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 14s 8d yet Carpenters
at 7d
Nicolas Layford //oooooo//o+oooo//ooooo.//..+...// -- 9s 4d Jamys Hart //oooooo//o+oooo//ooooo.//..+...// -- 9s 4d Thomas Marten //oooooo//o+oooo//o.....//..+...// -- 7s John Law //oooooo//o+oooo//..oo..//......// -- 7s 7d Sawywers
Working in sawing of timber for to make feet for forms and trestles in the hall, [and] also sawing of rafters for the keeper's kitchen and eves board[s] with other necessaries for the carpenters to work with.
at 13d
John Sawyer & Nicholas Sawyer //ooo...//.+....//......//..+...// -- 3s 3d Plumbers
Working upon making and finishing of a great cistern of lead [and] making of a pipe of lead for the same for the water to rove into the said cistern.
at 8d
Christopher Belamy //oooo..//.+....//......//..+...// -- 2s 8d William Elly //oooo..//.+....//......//..+...// -- 2s 8d at 7d
Thomas Rey //oooo..//.+....//......//..+...// -- 2s 4d Bricklayers
Working and making of a great chimney in the Keeper's Kitchen, with the finishing of the same, and pulling down of the centre. Mending of the window in the King's Parlour, mending of the wall in the garden, as also paving of the conduit for the water to run in to the sink.
Mending of the mantel in the pastry house, mending the wall of the buttery door, with the wall of the porter's lodge door.
Also repairing the vault in sundry places and specially in the buttery.
at 8d
William Long //oooooo//o+oooo//......//.+....// -- 7s 4d John Barber //oo....//.+....//......//..+...// -- 16d John Butt //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 14s 8d yet Bricklayers
at 7d
Roger Holland //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 12s 10d Jamys Apryce //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 12s 10d John Fishe[r] //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 12s 10d William Smakergyll //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+oo.// -- 12s 3d Richard Sexton //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+oo.// -- 12s 3d Labourers to the Bricklayers
Working upon sifting of sand and lime, carrying of water, slaking of lime, making of mortar [and] also serving the said bricklayers with mortar and brick.
at 5d
Lewis Thomson //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d John Munde //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d William Scorte //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d William Starkey //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d Rychard Rose //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d John Clementes //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d Rychard Gye //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d Symod Smyth //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d Edward Smyth //oooooo//.+....//......//..+...// -- 2s 6d John Clerke //oooooo//.+....//......//..+...// -- 2s 6d William Maryon //oooo..//.+....//......//..+...// -- 20d Thomas Alen //oo....//.+....//......//..+...// -- 10d Christopher Preston //oooooo//.+oooo//oooooo//oo+oo.// -- 8s 4d Tilers
Working upon the great barn and tiling of the Keeper's Kitchen, also pointing of a house in the poultry yard.
at 7d
John Maynard //oooooo//.+....//......//..+...// 3s 6d John Simons //......//.+....//oooooo//oo+ooo// 6s 5d The Scaffold Maker
Working in removing of the scaffold and setting up of new scaffolds in the Keeper's Kitchen for the making of the new chimney there.
at 6d
Roger Kilwort //oooooo//o+oooo//......//..+...// -- 5s 6d Common labourers
Labouring in scouring of the moat from all manner [of] rubbish, and making clean of the court and the hall after the working.
Carrying of scaffold poles and hurdles, making clean of the Keeper's Kitchen with carrying the hearth from the conduit, helping the carpenters and plumbers to bear timber and lead for the cistern, [and] also making of the jakes under the vaults.
at 5d
Thomson Ferrar //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+oo.// -- 8s 9d Thomas Otwell //oooooo//o+oooo//oo...o//oo+oo.// -- 8s 6d John Harrison //oooooo//o+oooo//oo...o//oo+oo.// -- 7s 6d George Atton //oooooo//.+oooo//......//..+...// -- 4s 2d Ellys Dokyt //......//.+....//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 4s 7d The Tailor & Receiver of Carriage
at 5d
Richard Colman //oooooo//o+oooo//oooooo//oo+ooo// -- 9s 2d Purveyor of Carts and Stuff
at 6d
Nicholas Wilde //oooooo//o#oooo//oooooo//oo#ooo// -- 12s Clerk Keeping the Reckoning
at 6d
John Uvedale //oooooo/o/o#oooo/o/oooooo/o/oo#ooo/o/ -- 14s Emptions
Tile Lime
To Hugh Finch for one load of lime of him had and employed in the said work at 6s 8d the load -- 6s 8d
To William Norton for 2,000 of tile at Clay Hill, at 3s 8d the thousand -- 7s 4d
To him more for 12 corner tile[s] -- 6d
To Richard Down of London for one thousand of brick for the said work -- 4s 8d
To Simon A Newton for 3 quarters of an ell of canvas spent by the plumbers -- 4d
Salt, Candles and Brooms
To him more for a peck of salt for the plumbers and for brooms and candles -- 6d
Shreds, Hire of a Pan
Item for the hire of a pan to seethe shreds -- 1d
Item for shreds -- 1d
Tile Pins
To William Corbyn of Waltham for one bushel of tile pins -- 6d
Carriage of Tyle
To Loft's wife for carriage of 2,000 tile from Clay Hill to the place of Enfield -- 8d
Carriage of Brick
To her more for carriage of 3 loads of brick, 2 from Clay Hill, the other from the kiln -- 10d
Carriage of Sand
To the said wife for carriage of 7 loads of sand from Clay Hill to the place -- 2s 4d
Carriage of Rubbish & Boards with Pieces of Timber
To her more for carriage of 8 loads of bats and rubbish out of the place at 2d the load and also carriage of one load of planing boards & pieces of timber to the storehouse -- 16d
Carriage of Lead, Solder and Nails
To Robert Lokin of Edmonton for carriage of lead solder and nails from London to Enfield place -- 20d
To George Hynde for 5 score and 12 of solder of him had and employd in the said works at 4d the pound -- 37s 4d
Nails of Diverse Sorts
To Master Sturgeon for one thousand of 5d nails -- 2s
Item one thousand of 4d nail -- 20d
Item a bag of sprig -- 9s 2d
Item a Sum. of roof nails -- 5s 10d
Item one cwt of double 10d nail -- 10d
The Books of Enfield In Anno 32imo
The King's Manor of Enfield
Anno 33imo Regis H.VIII Mensis Septembris
Payment made and paid by me James Nedam clerk & surveyor of our Sovereign Lord the King's works, as well for wages to artificers, labourers, clerke purveyors and other[s], as for emptions of stuff bought requisite and necessary for the repairing of the Prince's place at Enfield with carriage and recarriage of the same, as the particular payments thereof more plainly doth appear.
That is to say from Sunday the 13h day [of] September unto Sunday the 10th day of October by the space of four weeks.
Working as well in finishing of the Keeper's Kitchen, planking of the cistern that sewyth all the water about the said place, as also making of new currants for the plumbers to lay lead upon in the tower over the cellar door, in the tower over the nursery and in the leads on the Prince's chambers with like making of a flat roof upon the great leads.
And not only making of 2 doors for the conduits' heads, but also laying new rafters and making of 3 floors in [the] Master Comptroller's chambers.
at 8d
James Goodwin //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 14s 8d John Roo //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 14s 8d Nicolas Alwborte //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 14s 8d yet Carpenters
at 8d
Robert Twyford //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 14s 8d Thomas Cooper //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 14s 8d John Wurley //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 14s 8d at 7d
Nicolas Layford //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 12s 10d James Hart //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 12s 10d Tilers
Working as well upon pointing & mending of the other side of the great long barn, as also pointing and mending the gate house joining to the same, with pointing and repairing the great long garner over the stables.
at 7d
John Syms //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 12s 10d Richard Wren //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 12s 10d Thomas Raven //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 12s 10d Laborers to the Tilers
Working in sifting of lime and sand, carrying of water, slaking of lime and making of mortar, as also serving the said tilers with mortar and tile.
at 5d
Ellys Dokyt //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 9s 2d Lewis Thomson //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 9s 2d John Munde //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 9s 2d William Stertte //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 9s 2d Common Labourers
Labouring in carrying out of the garden 2 great old schoers & trestles timber & planks that bear up the 2 centres of the two great arch buttresses, carrying out of scaffold poles, brickbats, tile shards out of the moat garden & kitchen court, as also making clean of the inner court & outer court, with sifting of the old rubbish of lime & sand to make mortar anew when it shall need.
Common Labourers
at 5d
Simon a Newton //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 9s 2d William Sterkes //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooo..// -- 8s 4d Richard Roose //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooo..// -- 8s 4d John Clements //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooo..// -- 8s 4d Christopher Thomson //oo....//.+....//..+...//......// -- 10d John Clerk //oo....//.+....//..+...//......// -- 10d William Marion //oo....//.+....//..+...//......// -- 10d Christopher Preston //oo....//.+....//..+...//......// -- 10d Taylor & Reciever of Carriage
at 5d
Richard Colman //oooooo//o+oooo//oo+ooo//oooooo// -- 9s 2d Clerke Keeping the Reckoning with over seeing of the Workmen
at 6d
John Uvedale //oooooo/o/o#oooo/o/oo#ooo/o/oooooo/o/ -- 14s Emptions
To Thomas Carter of Clay Hill for 3,000 tile of him had to be employed upon the said place at 3s 8d the thousand -- 11s
Carriage of Tile
To Thomas Grim for carriage of the said 3,000 tile from Clay Hill to the said place -- 12d
To William Norton of Clay Hill for 4,000 tile employed in the said works at 3s 8d the thousand with carriage -- 14s 8d
Tylle pyns
To William Alyn of Waltham for 3 busshels of tile pins spent by the tiles -- 18d
Carriage of Tile
To John Buttes of Enfield for carriage of 2,000 tile from Clay Hill to the place at 4d [per] thousand -- 8d
To John Asheley of Enfield for carriage of 2,000 tile in like manner at 4d [per] thousand -- 8d
To Mother Barber of Waltham for 10 sheets of paper spent by the clerk in writing -- 1d
Nails of diverse sorts
To Master Sturgeon of London for 4,000 of roof nails -- 2s 4d
Item for 3 cwt 6d nail -- 15d
Item for 3 cwt 5d nail -- 12d
Casting & Laying of Lead
To George Sind, plumber, for casting and laying of 7 fothers 8 1/2 cwt & 7 lb of lead at 6s 6d the fother, casting & laying -- 48s 4d
To him more for 3 tods 24 lb of solder employed in the said manner at 4d the lb Sum -- 36s