How To Join

Membership of the Society runs per annum beginning on the 1st of January. Subscriptions paid by new members after the 30th September include the full following year.

  Membership applications are currently paused and will resume following the summer dig (July 21st)

by Email

For a bank transfer form, email the Membership Secretary at membership with your name and address, and, if you would like to dig with us, any relevant experience.

or by Post

Send a cheque for the relevant amount together with your details as above, to:

The Treasurer
Enfield Archaeological Society
56 Tudor Road
New Barnet

If you require a receipt for your subscription, please enclose a SAE.

If you are unsure about whether to join, you are most welcome to attend one of our lectures. Members of the committee are always present and they will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about joining, or indeed about our lecture programme, archaeological excavations, social events etc.

Membership Type Newsletter By Post Newsletter By Email
Ordinary Membership
(single, adult membership)
£12.00 £11.00
Joint Membership
(any number of named persons living at a single address, receiving one copy of Society News)
£17.00 £16.00
Junior Membership (under 18)
(regrettably, for insurance reasons members under the age of 16 are not permitted to take part in excavations)
£5.00 £4.00