28 Mar 2018
Will of Sir Thomas Lovell K.G: Part 5
Also I will that James Orrell, son and heir of Sir Lewis Orrell, knight (deceased), shall have all of my manors, lands, and tenements, rents, reversions and services and other hereditaments with their appurtenances which I have or any other person or persons to my use have in Ashwell, Souwell and Henxworth in the county of Hertford, to him and his heirs forever.
Also I give and bequeath to John Carleton, my servant, my tenement and garden with the appurtenances set lying and being in the parish of Saint Thomas The Apostle, within the Ward of the Vintry of London; to him and to his assignees during the year which I have in the same, as appears in the King’s records in his Exchequer, and also by a patent granted out by King Edward the fourth to Thomas Twates esquire for term of four score and eighteen years, being dated the 17th day of October, the twentieth year of his reign, whose interest and reversion of the years in the said patent I the said Sir Thomas Lovell have bought and am in possession of the same.
Item: I will and bequeath to the Dean and Fellowship of the College of Windsor, to pray for me, ten pounds.
Item: I give and bequeath to the Dean and Fellowship of the King’s most honourable chapel, to pray for me, ten pounds.
And I give and bequeath to the officers in the King’s most honourable household, to pray for me, ten pounds.
And I will that my cousin Francis Lovell shall have my mansion place at Halywell which I dwell in, with the appurtenances, by the space of two whole years next and immediately ensuing after my decease, for to dwell in under this condition: That shall suffer all the residue of my executors at all times and whensoever they shall resort or any of them shall resort there to have free liberty in any house of the same, as long as any goods of mine shall be therein, and for such business as they shall have to do about my funerals, and for the execution and performance of this my testament and last will, to have use and occupy my goods within the same, according to my will.
And after the said two years be expired, then I will that my said mansion place at Halywell with the appurtenances and the Covent seal of the same lease which I have for more years, be restored and given into the hands and use of the said Prioress Covent and their successors to dispose, set and let at their pleasure. And after that, if my cousin Francis Lovell will have the said mansion, then he to agree with the said Prioress Covent and their successors to take it of them for such rent paying as they shall be therewith agreed and contented and for that which may be advancement and profit to their house.
The residue of all my goods, chattels, money, plate, with the debts to me owing after my debts paid, my funerals done and this my put testament and last will performed wholly I give to my executors to use and dispose as to them shall be thought most expedient for the wealth of my soul according to further instructions as I have given to my servant John Carleton.
And for the execution and performance of this my testament and last will, I ordain and make the Right Reverend Father in God Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of London, and Thomas Pert, Doctor of Law; supervisors of this my testament and last will.
And I ordain and make for my executors Richard Broke, knight; one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, William Paston, knight, Frances Lovell, and John Carleton my servant, and for the further aid and execution of this my testament and last will I heartily desire my good Lord Ross to be one of the overseers of this my said last will, praying him to see it performed as my trust is in him.
And I give to each of my said supervisors and executors for their labours forty pounds.
And in witness whereof to my testament and last will I have subscribed my name and set to my seal the day and year abovesaid.